Bancroft operates under a Mayor-Council form of government, designed to provide both executive leadership and legislative representation, with an appointed Administrator overseeing daily operations.
The City Council consists of five City Council members elected at large (meaning they represent the entire city), for overlapping terms of four years. The Mayor is also elected for a term of four years.
City Council meetings are held at City Hall on the second Monday of the month beginning at 6:00 PM, and the public is welcome to attend. For more information, please contact our office at (515) 885-2382, or click here to view meeting minutes.
Tom Johnson
Title: Mayor
Jeremy Stover
Title: Councilman
Jeffrey Theisen
Title: Councilman
Paul Ingalls
Title: Councilman
Jaimes Looft
Title: Councilman
Jay Johnson
Title: Councilman