Brad Arndorfer - Fire Chief
Brody Vaske
- Sawyer Doocy
- Brian Berte
- Tony Hatten
- Corey Rasch
- Jeff Deitering
- Chuck Doocy
- Brian Hatten
- Brett Beadle
- Jerome Schiltz
- Carl Waugh
- Lee Vaske
- Jeremy Ortman
- Mike Doocy
- Scott Shillington
- Jeff Thiesen
- Jeremy Stover
Bancroft Fire Department History
(Taken from "1881 Bancroft Centennial” published by the Bancroft Centennial Celebration Committee)
The volunteer fire department in 1915 had very little equipment; a hand pulled hose cart and some hose. The council met in a special session in 1940 when a petition by 125 voters was presented asking for the privilege of voting on the proposition of whether or not the town should levy a tax to purchase fire equipment.
In 1944 a special council meeting was held to take such steps as necessary to place in operation a joint fire department composed of Greenwood and Ramsey Townships and the town of Bancroft. Harold Clark was elected from the council to be on the three man committee to purchase fire equipment and apparatus, and to furnish service throughout the district.